Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Clutter Busting

I am in full on nesting, organizing, shopping, and stressing.

I suppose it is a blessing. I am tackling projects that have been dormant and investigating the far reaches of my Rayna's closet shelves. But at a certain point I'm starting to annoy myself.

I have always been a practical girl. It has been a necessary trait really. I have no clue about fashion or home decorating. I usually stick to the basics and hope that dinner on the table, and clean clothes will make our house a home.

But during this pregnancy my nesting is taking on a new dimension. I am all of a sudden interested in home decor. I'm not saying it's going to happen...but my creativity really wants something more.

I know some people who know me who might read this and ROFL! but I'm serious! I may be nesting on a new level- feathering my nest.

In future blogs I'll let ya'll know my progress!

xoxo, Susie

Monday, May 17, 2010

Another baby!

It's been quite a while since I've blogged but...

I found out that I was pregnant in February. My husband posted it as his Facebook status five minutes after I told him! I know! I don't even know if the pee stick was dry yet, LOL!

We will find out on June 4th if we will have our first son, or our third daughter. Hoping that the ultrasound gets a good view of baby's bits.

I am happy to be a mamma again. It has been such a journey for us. All I can say is Jesus heals! God has turned this barren woman into the joyful mother of CHILDREN...

I will post the baby news soon as we find out!

Expecting a miracle,

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Aftermath

You know how it goes...your kid gets sick and all of a sudden life gets crazy. You are staying up late in the ER, becoming the lightsleeping mamma who jumps at the first sound of a gurgle, and your hubby? Well...he is sent on a 4 am mission to find acetaminophen suppositories for an infant in the north burbs.

The exhaustion the next day is compounded by a toddler who doesn't understand why on earth you look like death warmed over. She had the nerve to say to me...'Mommy you're not moving fast enough!' What's a momma  to do? You know besides wash every set of sheets in the house, disinfect, and bathe children...and self when the vomit projects onto you.

Well the little bug is better now...

The housework is getting better and eventually everyone will be rested again.

xoxo, Susie

Monday, February 1, 2010

Toddler Bed

So this weekend I started looking around for a bed for Lexie again...I had tried in the past to get a twin, double, or even queen bed. We just need another bed in the house. My crib has become a 'death crib'. It is one of the cribs affected by the huge Storkcraft recall. Warnings were sent out not to put your child in the crib until you get the part you need from...China. This is the second recall I've had on this crib and yes the previous part also had to come from China.

But Lexie is outgrowing it anyways. My kids are tall and become too big for the crib probably a little younger than they are ready. So the playpen has come to the rescue again. But that gets old too. It is time to start transitioning the little one. But what to do?

So I've been checking Craigslist off and on for about a month now. I'm not from Minnesota and I have no concept where some of these towns are. Usually they are too far away, at least as far as Jim is concerned.

So this Saturday while Jim is off painting I got the God breeze to just check Craigslist again. This time for toddler beds. Hey, it's a stopgap measure. I made 1 phone call and told the woman that I would come out Monday to get it.

So a little bit later, SHE calls me and says, 'Hey, my husband's doing a job in Blaine- how about we bring the bed to you?' I tell her that sounds great but I don't have any cash in the house to give them. Then she tells me that that is fine because honestly she just wants to get rid of the thing.

So Saturdays afternoon 2 hours after making that phone call the baby's bed is delivered to us. Front door service even! Lexie loves her new little bed. We decorated it with Princess stickers from the Dollar Tree and voila!

God takes care of his children...even the littlest ones!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Goal Setting

I recently read an article that stated the top 10 New Years resolutions were:
  • Quit Smoking
  • Quit Drinking
  • Spend more time with Family and Friends
  • Get Organized
  • Get Out of Debt
  • Enjoy Life More
  • Volunteer
  • Learn Something New
  • Exercise
  • Lose Weight

These are awesome resolutions. I think that ANYTIME is the right time to quit smoking. If you've made a resolution to quit drinking then you probably recognise there is something not quite right about your relationship and response to alcohol. Simply recognising that fact indicates that NOW is the right time to seek help with achieving sobriety.

For those of us who are people of faith...we add resolutions such as read the Bible through this year, or at least read the New Testament through. Pray more. Develop friendships with other believers. Deepen our existing friendships. Become friends with ourselves...

So this year I decided that the resolve to:

  • Write Personal and Family Missions Statements...
  • Celebrate our lives more this year!
  • To follow FLYLady's plan better this year than last year...
  • To follow Financial Peace's plan better this year than last...
  • To incorporate more spiritual activities into our relationships outside of church services

This blog was created to be an outlet for us to celebrate our lives...We want our lives to shine for others. The name Star of Jacobs was chosen by Jim Bear and Nikki Freeman. I thought is was great that my hubby and best friend agreed on a name and that's what made the decision. It is going to start as a family blog and eventually highlight our ministry activities as the Lord opens up a position for us.

Jim Bear and I have several stars in our home. We like the verse Philippians 2:15-16, to 'shine like stars in the heavens.' We hope for whoever may follow us this year on this blog that you would see life and light through our family.

Shining His Light,
